Indivisible Jax Riverside and other regional Indivisible groups joined the thousand-strong rally in downtown Jax to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Women’s March, renewing our commitment to push forward for positive change. The November election is coming up fast, and we’re all in to make it happen!
Indivisible Jax Riverside joined hundreds at the Jax 2018 Women’s March.
Take Em Down Jax had a strong presence advocating for the removal of Confederate monuments honoring white supremacist ideals in Jax.
Tasha Jervis, whose son Maurice Hobbs was killed by gun violence in Jacksonville last year, appeared with Moms Demand Action to call for common sense gun laws and action on Maurice’s still-unsolved murder.
Luchar por tus Derechos / Fight for your Rights
Akia Uwanda sang the event to a powerful close.