Call Senator Rubio (202 224-3041 or 904 354-4300), Senator Nelson (202 224-5274 or 904 346-4500) and your House representatives to tell them to support Congressional censure of President Trump based on his comments equating hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis with groups that oppose hate and oppression.
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President Trump’s remarks after the tragedy in Charlottesville have drawn criticism from Democrats, civil rights groups and others, including many Republican Senators and Representatives, world leaders, Jewish Republicans, business leaders (who forced Trump to disband his business advisory councils), popular mainstream press.
The House and Senate can censure a president, expressing their moral outrage and sending a message to the world that the president’s views are not those of our country. House Democrats have unveiled a resolution to censure Trump for failing to immediately name and condemn white supremacist groups and condemn terrorist actions in Charlottesville. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund has recommended that Congress demand oversight hearings with DOJ, DHS and other agencies about enforcement of hate crimes, civil rights laws and anti-discrimination efforts.
Your script: Hi, my name is [NAME], and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP CODE, if leaving a voice mail, give your complete address].
I’m calling to express my anger at the rise of white supremacy in America. Because of the president’s comments, white supremacists believe he is supportive of their views. White supremacy is evil and totally unacceptable. A president who cannot say this when needed must be censured. Because of Trump’s comments, I am concerned that federal agencies such as the DOJ and DHS will not actively enforce civil rights laws and laws against hate and domestic terrorism.
I strongly support a resolution to censure President Trump for failing to appropriately condemn the white supremacist groups that precipitated the events in Charlottesville. I also urge oversight hearing of the DOJ, DHS and other federal agencies to ensure they are enforcing civil rights laws and laws against hate crimes.