FEDERAL DAILY ACTION: Wednesday, February 21, 2018
The United States has more guns per capita than any other peer nation; Americans constitute about 4% of the world’s population but own 42% of all civilian firearms. On average, there is a mass shooting almost every day of the year in the United States, and the nation has far higher rates of gun homicides than any other developed nation. Firearm suicides in the US are also dismally common, with suicides actually comprising the majority of gun-related deaths. However, thanks to continued lobbying by the National Rifle Association (NRA), Congress has repeatedly failed to take meaningful action and curb gun violence.
Gun violence prevention experts have recommended a number of policy approaches to reduce gun violence:
- Congress can close legal loopholes that allow people to buy guns without background checks from private sellers, websites, or gun shows. A move that over 80% of gun owners support.
- Congress can institute universal background checks for both gun and ammo purchasers and require gun licenses, all measures supported by the vast majority of Americans.
- Congress can appropriate funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to research gun violence and effective interventions to prevent it. The CDC is currently prohibited by law from conducting any research that could theoretically “advocate or promote gun control” thanks to a partisan budget provision passed each year since 1996 called the “Dickey Rider.”
- Congress can adequately fund community-based interventions such as the nearly 20-year-old Ceasefire program, an underfunded effort that has helped to reduce gun violence in cities through education and public health crisis strategies.
America’s disproportionately high rates of gun-related deaths are both tragic and shameful. Congress can save lives by passing common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence.
Text the word “resist” to 504-09. Follow the prompts to send your Members of Congress a fax. It’s easy. You enter your zip code and you are directed to your representatives.
Rep. Ted Yoho
Orange Park: 904-276-9626
Rep. John Rutherford
DC 202-225-2501
Jacksonville 904-831-5205
Rep. Ron DeSantis
DC 202-225-2706
Palm Coast 386-302-0471
Rep. Al Lawson
DC 202-225-0123
Jacksonville: 904-354-1652
Sen Marco Rubio
DC 202-224-3041
JAX – 904-354-4300
Sen Bill Nelson
DC – 202-224-5274
JAX – 904-346-4500
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE]
I’m calling to urge [REP. NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States by…[CHOOSE 1-3 POLICIES BELOW]
- Closing the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks
- Instituting universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers, a measure 80% of gun owners support
- Removing the Dickey Rider from the federal budget and finally allowing the CDC to research gun violence prevention
- Funding evidence-based community antiviolence programs, like Ceasefire, which have been shown to reduce shootings
Thank you for your time and attention.
[If leaving a voicemail: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]