Call Senate
or Rubio and Senator Nelson and let them know you are opposed to the American Health Care Act that is being fast-tracked by Mitch McConnell in the Senate.
MARCO RUBIO DC : 202 224 3041
Jacksonville: (904) 354-4300
BILL NELSON: DC: 202-224-5274
Jacksonville: 904-346-4500 (Nelson is opposed, but call to let him know we have his back!)
The Affordable Care Act, and the healthcare of millions of Americans, is under a massive and urgent threat by Republicans. On Wednesday, June 7th, Speaker Mitch McConnell used “Rule 14” to successfully fast-track the AHCA, the House healthcare bill that passed last month designed to deprive 23 million people of healthcare in order to provide tax breaks to corporations and the rich. Rule 14 will allow the bill to go straight to a Senate floor vote without any requirement for committee debate or discussion.
Currently, the Senate plan is being developed in secret and is expected to be submitted to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) around June 13th, without the release of any details of the submitted healthcare plan to the public or even Senate Democrats. While the CBO score will be released to the public two weeks later during the week of June 26th, McConnell is expected to immediately call for a vote on the bill on the Senate floor (to reach his publicly stated goal of passing the bill before the July 4th recess), giving Senate Democrats and constituents *hours* to learn of and digest a new healthcare plan that will affect one-sixth of the national economy and their own personal well-being.
Healthcare policy affects every single American, and it is unacceptable that this plan has not been transparent and available for sufficient Senate debate and public review. If we do not put pressure on now for full transparency on the contents of this healthcare plan, we may not get any visibility how it will potentially alter our lives until hours before the Senate’s final vote on the floor.
Your script:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from Ponte Vedra Beach.
IF CALLING REPUBLICAN: I’m calling today because I’m appalled by the Republican attempts to pass the AHCA without any transparency what so ever. I ask that Senator Bill Nelson demand the immediate release of the plan’s details to the public and hold a hearing to thoroughly discuss a healthcare plan that affects one-sixth of our economy and the health and lives of millions of Americans.
IF CALLING DEMOCRAT: I’m calling today because I’m appalled by the Republican attempts to pass the AHCA without any transparency what so ever. I ask that Senator Bill Nelson boycott all Senate committee hearings until one is scheduled to discuss and amend the healthcare plan.
[OPTIONAL: Share a personal story of why the ACA is so important to you, your family, and / or your community]
Thank you for your hard work answering the phones. [IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]