Call Senator Rubio (202 224-3041 or 904 354-4300) and Senator Nelson (202 224-5274 or 904 346-4500) to tell them to seek and consider input from medical professionals, health insurance experts, economists, recipients of Medicaid, patients, families and other stakeholders in a national healthcare plan that will affect all Americans to create a sustainable plan that will indeed improve healthcare not destroy it.
Your script: Hi, my name is [NAME], and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP CODE, if leaving a voice mail, give your complete address].
I’m calling to express my strong opposition to the Better Care Reconciliation Plan now before the Senate.
This is [NAME] and I’m a constituent in [ZIP].
[IMPORTANT] Describe how the BCRA would personally impact you, your friends or family.
[Sen. Bill Nelson] Please continue to demand a bipartisan solution to the challenge of healthcare for all Americans. The current bill before the Senate, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, is essentially a tax bill, giving the rich a tax break. It is potentially a death sentence for the poor, elderly and disabled.
[Senator Marco Rubio] The Better Care Reconciliation Act is a tax cut for the rich that fails to protect the American people including the poor, elderly, disabled and people with pre-existing conditions. Any plan that benefits the wealthy while leaving sick or vulnerable people without insurance is wrong for your constituents and the American people. Stand with your fellow Republicans who are resisting party pressure to rush a disastrous plan through Congress quickly and without due deliberation, debate and amendments.