The SHARE Act, the “Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” (H.R. 3668), contains several alarming provisions that undermine public safety and environmental protections, including the “Hearing Protection” provision that deregulates the purchase of gun silencers. The sound of gunfire serves an important public safety purpose in alerting nearby people to danger, and as a result, gun silencers have long been subject to the same purchasing restrictions as machine guns, explosives, and other dangerous weapons. If made law, the SHARE Act would remove these restrictions and make it easier to buy a silencer without a background check, therefore enabling people with violent criminal records to have easy access to gun silencers. Gun silencers also do not serve any hunting-specific purpose, as there are numerous ear protection options already widely available to hunters.
From an environmental perspective, the SHARE Act would undermine the 1964 Wilderness Act and severely limit the National Park Service’s authority over the management of hunting and fishing within national park boundaries. It would replace the current requirement for reasonable limits on fishing with a lower standard of protection, resulting in overfishing and the destruction of habitats. The bill also reduces the ability of the National Park Service to regulate hunting, even in Alaskan wildlife preserves.
The SHARE Act has passed committee, was postponed after the mass shooting in Alexandria, VA and while it appears to be on hold right now it does await a vote on the House floor.
Call your House Representative today.
Rep. Ted Yoho
Orange Park: 904-276-9626
Rep. John Rutherford
DC 202-225-2501
Jacksonville 904-831-5205
Rep. Ron DeSantis
DC 202-225-2706
Palm Coast 386-302-0471
Rep. Al Lawson
DC 202-225-0123
Jacksonville: 904-354-1652
Find your representative:
Your script:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from——–..
I’m calling today to urge Rep. ——- to vote against HR 3668, the SHARE Act. The deregulation of gun silencers is dangerous to public safety and security. We must not roll back sensible gun laws that provide a safer community for all.
Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.
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