MARCO RUBIO DC : 202 224 3041
Jacksonville: (904) 354-4300
BILL NELSON: DC: 202-224-5274
Jacksonville: 904-346-4500
Rep. John Rutherford
DC 202-225-2501
Jacksonville 904-831-5205
Rep. Al Lawson
DC 202-225-0123
Jax: (904) 354-1652
Trump’s presidency is so rife with conflicts that Walter Shaub, who recently resigned as ethics chief, warns that the US is at risk of being seen by the world as a kleptocracy. Unlike all previous presidents, President Trump has defied norms by refusing to divest financial assets which create a conflict of interest. With Ivanka and Jared and in the White House and Don Jr. and Eric actively involved in politics, the Trump family has seemingly endless conflicts of interest.
The Atlantic keeps a running list of Trump conflicts, most recently highlighting his claim, in connection with his Scottish golf course, that his pledge not to make any new foreign investments does not apply to “expanding” existing investments.
It is very telling that Trump was especially upset with Mueller’s investigation when he heard Mueller would get access to his tax returns.
Legislation that would require Trump to divulge his tax returns and divest financial assets that create conflicts of interest has been stalled in the House and Senate since January.
Urge our members of Congress to support The Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2017 introduced in both the House (H.R.371) and the Senate (S.65). Americans should not have to tolerate kleptocracy. We deserve transparency from the President and to know whether he is a crook.
Call your members of Congress to urge them to support The Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2017 (S.65/H.R.371).
MARCO RUBIO DC : 202 224 3041
Jacksonville: (904) 354-4300
BILL NELSON: DC: 202-224-5274
Jacksonville: 904-346-4500
Ted Yoho: DC:202-225-5744
Orange Park: 904-276-9626
Rep. John Rutherford
DC 202-225-2501
Jacksonville 904-831-5205
Rep. Ron DeSantis
DC 202-225-2706
Palm Coast 386-302-0471
Rep. Al Lawson
DC 202-225-0123
Jax: (904) 354-1652
SCRIPT Talking Points
This is [NAME] and I’m a constituent in [ZIP].
[Sen/Rep____] should support (S.65/H.R.371), which would require the President to divest financial assets which create a conflict of interest.
It is outrageous that the president flouts ethical norms and has countless conflicts that appear to affect his foreign and domestic policies.
The President and his family appear to be profiting from the presidency, which looks more like a kleptocracy than a transparent democracy.
The American People deserve transparency and to have a president free from conflicts.
Thank you!