FEDERAL DAILY ACTION – Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018
#TrumpThreatLevel #IndivisibleSOTU
Call Senator Rubio (202 224-3041 or 904 354-4300), Senator Nelson (202 224-5274 or 904 346-4500) and your House representatives to tell them to oppose the president’s decision to continue to hold prisoners without charge and with a penalty of death. Guantanamo is a shame and embarrassment to our nation.
RESISTBOT: Text the word “resist” to 50409. You will be prompted through to your MoC. It is easy, and your representative receives a fax.
FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
Sen. Marco Rubio
DC – 202-224-3041
JAX – 904-354-4300
Sen. Bill Nelson
DC – 202-224-5274
JAX – 904-346-4500
Rep. Ted Yoho
DC – 202-225-5744
Orange Park – 904-276-9626
Rep. John Rutherford
DC – 202-225-2501
Jacksonville – 904-831-5205
Rep. Ron DeSantis
DC – 202-225-2706
Palm Coast 386-302-0471
Rep. Al Lawson
DC – 202-225-0123
Jacksonville – 904-354-1652
Guantanamo undermines our stand on human rights
In last night’s State of the Union address to Congress and the nation, the president did not mention Russia, a hostile nation that continues to interfere with our democratic processes. There was no mention of the Russia investigation, his failure to impose sanctions approved by Congress or the impact of Russian involvement in our 2016 election. The president did announce he signed an executive order to keep the prison at Guantanamo Bay open. President Obama had initiated efforts to close it. Guantanamo is a national embarrassment, a recruitment tool for terrorism and just wrong. Keeping it open means everyone there is sentenced to die without charge or fair trial.
As long as it’s open, America has no credibility on human rights.
YOUR SCRIPT: Hi, my name is [NAME], and I am a constituent from [CITY, ZIP CODE, if leaving a voice mail, give your complete address].
I’m [calling/writing] to express my strong opposition to the United States policy and practices that result in the detention of prisoners at Guantanamo without bringing charges against them and placing them under a death sentence. It is wrong and an action that, in the past, would have incurred our condemnation if practiced in other countries. We claim to be a nation of justice, and Guantanamo robs us of any claim to be a protector of human rights.