FEDERAL DAILY ACTION: Friday, September 28, 2018
Submitted by Sandy Goldman
Call Senator Rubio and Senator Nelson NOW and demand they publicly commit to vote NO and stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Text the word “resist” to 504-09. Follow the prompts to send your Members of Congress a fax. It’s easy. You enter your zip code and you are directed to your representatives.
FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
Sen Marco Rubio
DC 202-224-3041
JAX – 904-354-4300
Sen Bill Nelson
DC – 202-224-5274
JAX 904-346-4500
Your script:
Hi, my name is [NAME], and I’m a constituent from [TOWN, ZIP CODE].
I’m calling to demand Senator_____ publicly commit to vote NO and stop Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Add to your script…Kavanaugh’s refusal to ask for an FBI investigation leaves his testimony in doubt more than ever. After the hearing, the American Bar Associate put the brakes on their endorsement and called for an FBI investigation.
Additionally, Kavanaugh’s anger, arrogance and obvious resentment is a display of a temperament ill-suited for a justice on the Supreme Court.
Thank you for your time and attention.