Call both your senators and tell Democratic senators to use every tactic available to save the ACA. Tell Republican senators that voting on a bill that affects the lives of all Americans without hearings is absurd. Any bill that torpedos the ACA exchanges and leaves vulnerable Americans without insurance is wrong for the country. It is time for a bipartisan solution.
Republicans failed to get the 60 votes needed for the Senate Trumpcare plan or the 50 votes needed for straight repeal, and will next vote on a so-called “skinny repeal” which would repeal the ACA mandates and some taxes.
“Skinny repeal” would cause a death spiral in the ACA exchanges, leading to almost complete collapse. The CBO issued a score for “skinny repeal” on Wednesday night which found it would result in 16 million losing insurance and premiums rising an additional 20%.
Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Cornyn (R-TX) basically admitted the skinny bill is a “trojan horse” to get to a conference committee with the House, where deep cuts would likely be added to the bill.
Democrats have been adjusting their strategy in response to dynamic events and are ready to either flood the bill with amendments once it is introduced or, if they believe it will be defeated, push for an immediate vote.
Democrats should be thanked for using every possible tactic to defeat the ACA repeal and urged to stay the course. Republicans need to told that any bill that leaves sick and vulnerable Americans without insurance is unacceptable. A high volume of calls is crucial.
Your Script:
This is [NAME] and I’m a constituent in [ZIP].
[IMPORTANT] Describe how the repeal of the ACA would personally impact you, your friends or family.
[Democratic senators] Thank you for using every possible tactic to prevent the repeal of the ACA. Please continue to do everything possible to protect healthcare for the American people.
[Republican senators] It is absurd to do even a “skinny repeal” which will torpedo the ACA exchanges, leave millions of Americans without affordable insurance, and raise rates for everyone else, without hearings.
[Republican senators] Skinny repeal by itself is bad for the country and if passed and reconciled with House bill, is almost certain to be a death sentence for sick and vulnerable Americans.
[Republican senators] It is time to work on bipartisan solution to strengthen and improve the ACA.