Rubio – 202-224-3041 or 904-398-858
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The Senate has passed the Motion to Proceed to begin floor debate on the repeal of the ACA. Now, a series of amendments and new healthcare bills will be brought forth and voted on on the floor. It is unknown what the end result of this debate will be, but any version will surely involve a repeal of the ACA that will devastate the nation’s healthcare system, leave millions uninsured, and collapse the insurance market.
McConnell and Republican Senators will introduce amendments to a bill developed without any committee hearings, discussions, bipartisan debate, or public comments (by contrast, Senate Democrats held over 30 Senate Finance Committee meetings to draft the Affordable Care Act and included their Republican colleagues in these meetings). McConnell has publicly refused to commit to allowing more than 20 hours of debate on this massive legislation. With such a short turnaround time between announcing which bill they will put forward and the final vote, most congresspeople (including Republican Senators not directly involved in drafting the legislation) will have insufficient time to understand the bill’s full implications. Furthermore, the American public has been left in the dark about which bill Congress plans to vote on. This GOP strategy contravenes the spirit of our democratic process, and we must not stand for it.
We CAN do something about this: Demand Democratic Senators continue doing everything they can to block a final healthcare vote, e.g. by withholding consent for regular Senate procedures and introducing thousands of amendments during the reconciliation process in an approach known as filibustering by amendment. Further, we must urge Republican Senators to push their colleagues to develop their healthcare legislation openly and publicly. The American public deserves to know what is in their healthcare legislation, and the egregious behavior by the GOP must be stopped.
Your script:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from (zip code).
IF DEMOCRAT: I’m calling today because I’m furious that the Senate has proceeded to move forward on the repeal of the ACA. I want to thank Senator Bill Nelson for their vote against this ongoing effort and encourage them to keep fighting by filibustering by amendment! Their constituents are counting on them to fight for their healthcare.
IF REPUBLICAN: I’m calling today because I’m furious that the Senate has proceeded to move forward on the repeal of the ACA. I’m demanding that Senator Marco Rubio vote against any version of repeal that emerges from this undemocratic debate, and instead work in a bipartisan manner to fix the ACA, using traditional Senate processes such as open hearings and expert testimony.
[OPTIONAL: Share a personal story of why the ACA is so important to you, your family, and/or your community]
Thank you for your hard work answering the phones.
[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied]